Thanks to Dave Slutes and Club Congress and all who attended the Casa Maria Benefit Concert last Tuesday at Club Congress.
Thanks also to the musicians who donated their time.
The Ronstadt Generations band featuring Michael Ronstadt, Amo Chip, Bongo Man Jim Lipson and an incredible stand up bass player were most enjoyable. Michael Ronstadt sang a bunch of songs en espanol! They ended with Amo Chip getting down on the sax on ‘volver, volver’!
Carlos Arzate, a truly sincere and humble man with a rockin’ electric band closed the show. A highlight was when he sang The Ballad of Louis Taylor.
And of course Casa Maria’s own Ceaze and Natt (and Raffy and Joe Grizzly) about real life, straight outta los barrios del southside. They brought the house down!
We were sad that guitar hero Rich Hopkins couldn’t make it out of Texas to join us but a good time was had by all!
Gracias a todos los que asistieron el concierto para beneficio de Casa Maria el Martes.
Gracias también al Club Congress y todos los músicos. Una banda, los Ronstadt Generations cantaron muchas canciones en español!
Y Cesar Aguirre de Casa Maria y su primo Young Nat fueron rapeando con mucha fuerza y mucho animo sobra la vida en los barrios del Southside Tucson.
¡Fue una noche muy divertida!