Fight for $15! Wednesday April 15, 2015

2 min read


Casa Maria supports the Fight for $15 national effort to increase wages paid for workers across the country.

This is truly a moral issue.

$15 an hour for all workers, including fast food workers, would go a long way toward authentic economic development.

The Tucson action will join at least 200 cities around the US and the world holding similar events. Below is information about our local event.


11:00 AM

ASSEMBLE at the intersection of Speedway and Campbell (we are hoping to occupy all four corners.).

MARCH west on the North Side of Speedway approximately one block to the McDonalds on that side of the street.

RALLY with speakers, striking Fast Food Workers, and perhaps a song or two. Following this rally, we will

PROCEED another block to the underpass under Speedway leading to the University of Arizona Campus.

REASSEMBLE on the UofA Mall, we will then

MARCH West along the Mall to Old Main where another

RALLY will take place at 12:00. We will be joining Non Tenured Staff from both the UofA and Pima Community Colleges who are the low wage workers who teach the majority of classes at our educational institutions with unlivable wages and no benefits.

We will have signs and Banners. But please feel free to bring your own.

PARKING Information:

NORTH parking Lot, Our Savior Lutheran Church. Church on East side of Campbell North of Campbell. Turn on Mabel. Church requests that we park as close as possible to tennis courts and Mabel.

HIMMEL PARK. Park is one block South of Speedway on Tucson Blvd. There are two parking lots: One is just off Tucson. For the other, turn on 1st Street, There is also a lot of street parking along 1st Street East of Tucson. There is also legal street parking along 1st and 2nd Streets for one block West of Tucson. The walk from Himmel Park is approximately ½ mile. Flat. No hills.


Almost all streets South and West of Speedway have restricted parking. Streets North and East of Speedway have some restrictions.

Restrictions on Helen, Mabel, and Drachman end at Wilson. Wilson itself is unrestricted between Helen and Drachman. The walk is less than a half mile.

We recommend that the parking lot be left for folks who have health and walking issues and the rest of us park on the street.


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