Voces de Casa Maria


2 min readA LITTLE INSPIRATION FROM… Pedro Arrupe Superior General of the Society of Jesus (1907-1991) Pedro Arrupe, who was elected Superior General of the Jesuits in 1965, oversaw a renewal of the Society so profound that he is revered by many Jesuits as a “second founder.” Specifically, he was instrumental in defining the modern mission of the Jesuits in terms of “faith that does justice.” Arrupe’s sense of solidarity with a suffering world had roots in his early years as a priest. Assigned to Japan in 1936, he was serving only four miles from the center of Hiroshima on August 6,

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2 min read February 10, 2015 Dear Sylvia, Thanks for coming to Casa Maria. I think we fundamentally disagree with you on some main themes, but talking with you and Terry Higuera really helped us think about desegregation and how we as parents and the larger community can move forward to advocate and organize for a more just TUSD. Ultimately it’s all about better educated kids. We understand that no matter what is just or unjust, right or wrong, there is a court order that exists. But it is only a court order, not a commandment that came down from heaven. We would

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2 min readCasa Maria is excited to have hired Gilberto to be a community organizer with Casa Maria. He is a 2014 graduate of the University of Arizona with a B.A. in Mexican American Studies. ______________________ By Gilberto Contreras, This will be my first post on this blog, so I would like to introduce myself to you all. My name is Gilberto Contreras Morales and I am not a stranger to Casa Maria de Guadalupe. Before I speak about the work I have done with Casa Maria, I would like to give you all a little of my story. I am a

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FOR JOHN C. SCOTT: on if I was King…

2 min readBy Brian Flagg, I read this great article in America magazine by the auxiliary bishop of San Francisco, Robert W. McElroy, entitled “Market Assumptions: Pope Francis’ challenge to income inequality” (Nov 3, 2014). This past April, Pope Francis told over 10 million online followers, in nine different languages, “Inequality is the root of social evil.” And what he tweeted in just seven words, he had elaborated on at length five months earlier in ‘The Joy of The Gospel’ (No.202): The need to resolve the structural causes of poverty cannot be delayed… As long as the problems of the poor are

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2 min readby Brian Flagg, Pretty much everyone knows that Pancho Medina is Minister of Culture at Casa Maria, Katie Bolger, among others, has been the Minister of Agriculture, Nancy Myers has been the Director of Fun and Cesar Aguirre is the new Minister of Public Education. Ernie Lujan is without doubt the Food Expert Numero Uno. We’ve been working him to do a regular food column so to speak, for this blog. Hopefully he reads this and realizes that this is his calling, to write the food column! He and I even talked about him kicking it off with something along

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< 1 min readThe South Tucson and Ochoa community have organized over the years to improve the the community and keep the schools in our barrio open. We continue to organize today to improve the quality of education for our barrio youth. Due to this work the parents have been successful in working with Tucson Unified School District to find the right leader to take Ochoa’s magnet program (Reggio Emilia) to the next level. Join us on Thursday, January 22nd, 2015 at 6pm at the John Valenzuela Youth Center, 1550 S. 6th Ave. to welcome our new principal, Julio Moreno, to the community.

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< 1 min readby Brian Flagg, I agree with Eugene Robinsons’ brilliant column in Friday’s Daily Star “MLK’s call for economic justice rings true today as well.” Also today’s piece in the Star by Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez “All labor has dignity: Remembering icon’s vision of worth” is really right-on. By the time the brother was assassinated, he was onto seeing civil rights in the larger context of economic justice. And he didn’t just see. He preached, he proclaimed and he acted in solidarity with workers, he organized!!! and he came out against the Vietnam War. He was a true prophet

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6 min readThanks much to long time Casa Maria supporter KATHY LYNN who included this piece she wrote along with a Christmas donation. She said that it was loosely based on her family’s experience of helping out here at Casa Maria. I found it to be inspirational. She even won a prize in a writing contest with this! Brian Flagg, ___________________________ Angel’s Army By Kathy Lynn, Zombies. That’s what some of the volunteers called them. Most of the people who came to the soup kitchen were just down on their luck. They had jobs and families and homes but not enough money

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3 min readby Brian Flagg, The Magnificat (Luke 1, 46-56) And Mary said: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord and my spirit exults in God my savior; because he has looked upon his lowly handmaid. Yes, from this day forward all generations will call me blessed, for the Almighty has done great things for me. Holy is his name, and his mercy reaches from age to age for those who fear him. He has shown the power of his arm, he has routed the proud of heart. He has pulled down princes from their thrones and exalted the lowly. The

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John the Baptist, Jesus, the Paulists and the Holy Father

3 min readby Brian Flagg, Here is one more reason I am a super-blessed vato. Since I became a disciple of Jesus when I was 22, I have come to believe that the keys to life, the keys to the Kingdom, can be found in the Holy Scriptures, especially the 4 gospels. Many years ago I started to subscribe to a little book put out by the Paulists called Pan de la Palabra. It has the readings for the daily mass, puro en Español, along with a very insightful short commentary on the readings. Hopefully this discipline is good for my soul

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