I Heard You Followed em’ with a Bullhorn,

2 min read


by John Miles, Brian, Cesar and Jimmy

So yesterday there was a meeting about the development of the Ronstadt Transit Center. It was billed as “Pre Proposal Conference and Site Visit.” Our understanding was that it was a public meeting for developers to ask questions of the city bureaucrats.
For this reason the Bus Riders Union showed up with our 45 organized members in our yellow shirts, to great developers with banners, signs, screaming kids, bus riders in need of translation, etc., etc.
After that came the site visit. Where the architects and bureaucrats were accompanied by the bus riders through the tour of the RTC. Many of the bus riders, not yet members of the union, were very interested in what was going on, asking questions about the development of the RTC and wanting to know how to join and support the union.
John Miles commented to us that our action must have been a success because he heard that we “Followed em’ to Ronstadt with a bullhorn.”

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