por Brian Flagg
El Obispo Weisenburger dijo que todos nosotros necesitamos despertarnos y luchar a terminar las injusticias contra familias de inmigrantes. El insistió que esta tema es mas que todo una tema sobre moralidad.
by Brian Flagg
If you missed it you might want to check out Bishop Edward Weisenburger’s op-ed in the Daily Star, “Bishops Agree Family Separation Policy is Immoral” Wednesday, June 20, 2018.
He gained some national notoriety last week at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops meeting for suggesting that they possibly consider ‘canonical penalties’ for those most responsible for separating families at the border. It was reported that canonical penalties include things from denying the Eucharist all the way to excommunication.

I thought his article was well written, passionate, and educational, especially about cannon law, the Church’s legal system.
But most importantly he talked about this being a huge moral issue and pledged that he and all his brother bishops will continue to seek every way possible to be of assistance to those suffering in our midst!
And the part I liked best was his admonition for all of us to awake from our slumber and walk in the ways of justice, truth and human rights!
Thanks Bishop!