4 min read

by Brian Flagg

Kids in cages, kids separated from their parents, a hideous border wall, the hate whipped up around the issue of immigration…kid_in_cage

Anyone who cares about morality or religion or being a Catholic or Christian has to care about it.

If you don’t believe me, ask Pope Francis, or read his new apostolic exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate “Rejoice and Be Glad”.

There is no way around it, we have got to get to the roots of it all, which is the historical policies and practices of our own government.

We can continue to decry the immoral practice of family separation, fight about walls and argue about border safety and security, but until we as a nation take a good look at ourselves and take responsibility for the extreme poverty and violence we have caused south of the border nothing will change.Bishop Joe Vasquez of Austin

So let us listen to words of wisdom from Bishop Joe Vasquez of Austin, TX and the president-elect of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

From the National Catholic Reporter, June 15-28, 2018:

As Bishop Joe Vásquez of Austin, Texas, chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Migration, said in a statement June 1, “Family unity is a cornerstone of our American immigration system and a foundational element of Catholic teaching. … Rupturing the bond between parent and child causes scientifically-proven trauma that often leads to irreparable emotional scarring.”

“My brother bishops and I understand the need for the security of our borders and country, but separating arriving families at the U.S.-Mexico border does not allay security concerns,” Vásquez said. “Children and families will continue to take the enormous risks of migration — including family separation — because the root causes of migration from the Northern Triangle remain: community or state-sanctioned violence, gang recruitment, poverty, and a lack of educational opportunity.”

“Policies should address these factors first as we seek to repair our broken immigration system,” the bishop said.

Vásquez has hit on the hard truth: The root causes of our “migration problem” lies on the other side of our borders and they are sown with the seeds of foreign policy mistakes the United States made in Central America over the last six decades — supporting dictatorships, quashing democracy and imposing imperialistic economic policies. The United States has never taken responsibility for the part we played in creating the violence, poverty and lack of opportunity that force our brothers and sisters south of our borders to uproot their families and flee north.

Eradicating the problems that force people to leave their homes is the best deterrent.


And from the AZ Daily Star, July 11, 2018:

“We know that the best way to tackle the migration phenomenon and the problems of safety … is to spur development in Mexico,” Lopez Obrador said.

Lopez Obrador said he wants the U.S. to join in an “alliance for progress” to bring development and jobs to Mexico and Central America, a call that hearkened back to President John F. Kennedy’s program launched in 1961.

Lopez Obrador has a bit of nostalgia for the 1960’s, Mexico’s last long sustained period of economic growth, and apparently hopes the U.S. will consider re-launching its own aid program from that era.

“What we want, from Panama to the northern border of Mexico and the United States to the Rio Bravo is for the people to have opportunities for jobs,” he said.


por Brian Flagg

Niños en jaulas, separados de sus padres, un muro horrible, el odio agitado al rededor de la tema de inmigración… kid_in_cage

Cual quiera persona moral, religiosa, católica o cristiana no lo puede ignorar.

Es lo que dice el Papa Francisco  en su nuevo exhortación apostólica Gaudete et Exsultate  “Alegraos y Regocijaos”.

No hay otra, tenemos que enfocarnos en las causas principales de inmigración, las que están causadas por las políticas históricas y practicas de nuestro gobierno de los estados unidos.

Podemos seguir condenando la practica immoral de separar familias, pelear sobre el muro y la seguridad y protección de la frontera, pero nada cambiara hasta que tomamos responsabilidad por las acciones de este país que esta causando la pobreza y violencia extrema que esta sucediendo sur de la frontera.Bishop Joe Vasquez of Austin

Eso es lo que dijo el obispo Joe Vasquez de ciudad Austin en Texas en el National Catholic Reporter, julio 15-28, 2018 . Nos dice que los estados unidos nunca an tomado responsabilidad de las políticas y practicas de los últimos 60 años, como apoyar dictaduras, aniquilar la democracia, y imponer políticas económicas imperialistas.

Ay que escuchar sus palabras de sabiduría, y también las del nuevo presidente electo de mexico,  Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.


El dijo en el AZ Daily Star, julio 11, 2018:

“Pensamos que la mejor manera de enfrentar el fenómeno migratorio y los problemas de seguridad… pasa por impulsar el desarrollo en México”, dijo.

López Obrador dijo que quiere que Estados Unidos se sume a una “alianza para el progreso” que traiga desarrollo y empleo a México y Centroamérica, un planteamiento que evoca el programa lanzado por el presidente John F. Kennedy en 1961.

El político izquierdista siente cierta nostalgia por la década de los 1960, el último periodo de crecimiento económico continuo de México, y al parecer espera que Estados Unidos reconsidere su propio programa de estímulo de aquella época.

“Lo que queremos es que desde Panamá hasta la frontera norte de México y Estados Unidos, hasta río Bravo, la gente tenga oportunidades de trabajo”, dijo. “Ese es nuestro planteamiento central”.

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