Voces de Casa Maria

A GOOD TIME HAD BY ALL…& a little justice for South side magnet schools too!

2 min readby Cesar Aguirre & Brian Flagg If you didn’t make it down to El Casino Ballroom last night you missed one helluva party! The kids from Davis’ Mariachi Aguilitas were really very soulful. The Ochoa kids danced up a storm! The Color Guard from Cholla High School ROTC was there to open the show. The birria, rice and beans were killer! So was Congressman Grijalva’s speech in defense of public education and the magnet schools. More than 300 people were there, mostly parents and students, but also supervisor Richard Elias, State Rep. Victoria Steele, and 3 school board members who

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2 min readby Brian Flagg, Approximately 30 of us from the Bus Riders Union, loud and proud, attended the emergency Transit Task Force meeting yesterday. Our presence there helped the Task Force vote to stop $458,000 of the proposed $1.1 million in cuts to 9 bus routes. Particularly disappointing was a 4-3 vote to reduce frequency on the Broadway bus (the #8). I am trying to be positive about this. Our efforts did force a process that will restore a small portion of the cuts. So why do I feel so frustrated? I guess this makes me evaluate our recent bus rider

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