The Holy Father, Walmart, and Casa Maria …

2 min read

Pope_Francis_Korea_Haemi_Castle_19_(cropped)Apparently he would have approved of us not taking the ‘blood money’ we were offered a few years ago by Walmart.

Check out this little gem we got from America magazine (3/21/16).

Pope Francis: ‘Take Your Check Back’

Speaking out against exploitation and unfair wages for workers, Pope Francis told benefactors to forget about donating money to the church if their earnings came from mistreating others. “Please, take your check back and burn it,” he said to applause. “The people of God – that is, the church – don’t need dirty money. They need hearts that are open to God’s mercy,” the pope said on March 2 during his general audience in St. Peter’s Square. God wants people to turn away from evil and do what is just, not cover up their sins with gestures of sacrifice, he said. Just as God derives no pleasure from “the blood of bulls and lambs” slaughtered in his name, he is especially averse to offerings from hands dirty with the blood of another human being. “I think of some church benefactors who come with an offering,” he said, and sometimes that offering is “fruit of the blood of many people, who are exploited, mistreated, enslaved by poorly paid work.”



Al parecer el estaría de acuerdo con nosotros de no tomar el “dinero manchado de sangre” que nos ofrecieron Walmart hace un par de anos.

Lee esta historia de American Magazine (3/21/16)

Papa Francsico: ‘Llevate tu cheque”

Hablando de explotación y salario injusto, El Papa Francisco les dijo a los benefactores que se olvidaran de donar dinero a la iglesia si su dinero venia de maltratar a otros. “Por favor, llevanse su cheque y quémenlo” dijo a su audiencia. “La gente de Dios – la iglesia – no necesita dinero sucio. Necesita corazones abiertos a la misericordia de Dios,” dijo el Papa en Marzo 2 en la catedral de San Pedro. Dios quiere gente que se alejen del mal para hacer lo justo, no que cubran sus pecados con sacrificios. Asi como Dios no se complase con la sangre de animales sacrificados en su nombre, tampoco lo hace con los ofrecimientos de las manos manchadas de sangre de otro humano. “Creo que la ofrenda de algunos benefactores es “fruto de la sangre de mucha gente que ha sido explotada, maltratada, exclauizada por un trabajo muy mal pagado.”

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