by Brian Flagg
Here are the 4 biggest issues looming as we move farther into 2016. This was agreed upon by everyone at the last Bus Rider Union meeting.
If we don’t organize, mobilize, and throw down on these issues, bus riders will be screwed.
1. Dedicated funding source for transit
We the BRU have not been pro-active, so, in the minds of the Mayor and Council, it’s basically a half cent sales tax for transit and/or cops and/or parks.
The Mayor is currently leading an effort to poll voters as to their support.
2. Will a new management company for Sun Tran replace the notoriously anti labor-PTM? (Professional Transit Management)
The contract expires very soon, on May 1.
A stakeholder group that was to include the Bus Riders Union and the Teamsters never happened. So much for public process.
3. The Mayor and Councilwoman Uhlich are talking about the City giving Sun Tran to the RTA, even though the City has 92% of the bus riders but only one vote on the RTA board
4. This year’s CITY BUDGET
The City Manager seems to be on a mission to slash and burn anything and everything so as to balance the City Budget.* It’s like austerity measures being imposed on a locale already struggling from massive poverty.
The Bus Rider Union is convening a special meeting to design an action plan to defend the interests of bus riders.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016 at 5:30 pm at Armory Park Senior Center, 220 S. 5th Ave.
*This could mean an across-the-board reduction of services that currently serve poor and working people