Editors note:
Welcome to Casa Maria’s Blog/ Voces de Casa Maria! We are truly blessed to have the dynamic journalism major from the University of Arizona, Kassandra Manriquez help us with all the technical work to make this blog a reality.
-Brian Flagg
My name is Kassandra Manriquez, a second year journalism student at the University of Arizona.
I see journalism as a craft that puts my passion to work. My heart is in justice and in people. I believe in people.
I am a Catholic who spent most of my childhood in the City of South Tucson with my lovely grandma. Through study at the University, I have grown to appreciate different faiths, religions and cultures.
I taught catechism for three years at my parish St. John the Evangelist. Though I miss teaching catechism, my heart has moved me toward a new line of work. I was blessed with the opportunity to work with Brian and Casa Maria.
I met Brian while working on a research project focused on dissecting the complexities in poverty. What I learned at Casa Maria while shooting my documentary taught me far more than what I learned in my three weeks of Internet and book research.
Brian Flagg and the people of Casa Maria have beautiful and complex stories to tell, all equally inspiring. The energy at Casa Maria is more powerful than anything I can shoot with my camera or write on paper. Nonetheless, I hope my work can give you a little piece of “los voces de Casa Maria.”
Thank you for your support,
Kassandra Manriquez