Voces de Casa Maria

Mexicana author Anabel Hernandez has a new book, Narcoland.

3 min readby Brian Flagg, She said in this interview from The Nation magazine (11-11-2013) that she writes because if she can help the people to understand what is really happening, then they can change things. Life at Casa Maria, in South Tucson and throughout the Southside is all about the roots and culture of Mexico, the Mother land. May we all read more, become more conscious, and fight to change the present injustice and oppression. To read the interview go to: http://www.thenation.com/article/176799/have-you-ever-met-el-chapo-guzman-and-seven-other-questions-anabel-hernandez ________________________________ por Brian Flagg, La escritora Mexicana, Anabel Hernández tiene un nuevo libro, Los Señores del Narco. Ella nos

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