Voces de Casa Maria

Power to the Parents

6 min readby Cesar Aguirre, It is a quarter to six, Dr. Sanchez has arrived early. The room is still empty, the seats dotted with a few parents as we prepare ourselves for the meeting. I feel nervous, anxious, and worried. All the hard work we’ve done, talking to other parents and informing them on what is going on in our school, our district, and in public education across the country. Where is everybody? Why aren’t they here yet? I start to think about all the movements across the country I’ve been reading about. The walk-outs in Chicago. The Grassroots Educational Movement

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Falling in Love

3 min readby Brian Flagg, Pedro Arrupe, SJ was the Superior General of the Jesuits from 1965 to 1983. He was famous for his insistence that proclaiming the Gospel meant promoting justice and entering into solidarity with the voiceless and the powerless. Under his leadership the Jesuits made great sacrifices for their beliefs and immense dedication to the poor and dispossessed. On 20 June 1977 the White Warriors Union death squad threatened to kill all of the 47 Jesuits serving in El Salvador unless they abandoned their work with the poor, and left the country within a month. After consulting with the

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