Our ninth video message comes from Adan.
Tucson’s Mayor and Council will decide Tuesday, September 20 at 5:30 pm on whether to raise the bus fares. Come to the meeting at 255 West Alameda St. and speak at the call to the audience or submit a comment card. You can also call the City Council today.
791-4201 Mayor Rothschild
791-4040 Regina Romero
791-4687 Paul Cunningham
791-4711 Karin Uhlich
791-3199 Shirley Scott
791-4231 Richard Fimbres
791-4601 Steve Kozachik
El noveno video es de Adan.
Por favor mírelo, comparta el video y llame al Alcalde y al Consejo y pídales que no aumenten los precios de los camiones.
791-4201 Mayor Rothschild
791-4040 Regina Romero
791-4687 Paul Cunningham
791-4711 Karin Uhlich
791-3199 Shirley Scott
791-4231 Richard Fimbres
791-4601 Steve Kozachik