Voces de Casa Maria

El Robo del Siglo//The Theft of the Century

4 min readEl Robo del Siglo El Robo del Siglo   Filas hasta de dos kilómetros de autos a la espera de cargar gasolina, cientos de gasolineras cerradas por falta de combustible, es el escenario en los últimos días en varios estados de México afectados por el desabasto de gasolina. El problema surgió después de el plan del nuevo gobierno para combatir las redes de robo de combustible creados en las últimas décadas, en las que según el gobierno de AMLO participan empleados de petróleo mexicano (PEMEX). Según datos oficiales el robo de combustible le provoca a el estado perdidas por alrededor

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Why do people migrate?// ¿Porqué emigramos?

5 min readBy Poncho Moro Poncho is a regular here at Casa Maria. Most immigrants flee their country in search of a better future for their families. They search for a social justice that can rarely be found. A social justice that has been neglected in their country of birth. In some cases, these people cross three or four countries to reach their destination in the U.S. and to obtain the so called “American Dream.”  For some, the American Dream is often broken and is nothing but a false illusion. Some lose their lives in their search, some are beaten, raped, imprisoned

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< 1 min readCesar Aguirre who lives and works hard on a daily basis at Casa Maria is an amazing rapper and makes his voice be heard by composing songs that expresses his feelings against injustice. Cesar has composed many mesmerizing songs that relate to every day struggles in the barrio. From everyone at Casa Maria, we wish you an amazing year filled with joy along with your beautiful family. Happy Birthday Cesar! Check out one of his many great songs, “Pink Sunrise”  

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If I had my way

2 min read  If you didn’t already know Cesar Aguirre AKA Ceaze, who lives and works at Casa Maria with his two daughters, is also a rapper. But he doesn’t waste his talent rapping about nonsense, or glorifying drugs, alcohol and violence. He uses his talent to spread messages that matter, messages that impact the community. He raps about things that effect him and his kids… things like Red For Ed! Check it out here.   *Disclaimer- This song has not been endorsed or sponsored by Red For Ed, Arizona Educators United, Arizona Education Association, or any other association, union, group or

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¿Quién es AMLO?\\Who is AMLO?

4 min readPor Ángel Reyes AMLO es Andrés Manuel López Obrador, que actualmente está corriendo por la presidencia de México, con el partido político que el fundo en 2014, MORENA (Movimiento de Regeneración Nacional) También es conocido como el Peje, otros lo llaman el mesías, o la esperanza de México. López Obrador empezó su Carrera política a mediados de los setentas, dentro del partido oficial PRI (Partido revolucionario institucional) que en la actualidad gobierna y a gobernado a México por más de 80 años. López Obrador sale del partido PRI con Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas a finales de los 80s. Juntos formaron el partido

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2 min readby Brian Flagg Of course the Jubilee Year of Mercy needs to not just be talked about, or prayed about, it needs to be fleshed out, made incarnate if you will… We know of at least one parish who has a plan to do just that! Fr. Miguel Mariano, pastor of St. Odilias on the Northwest side came down to Casa Maria recently during the morning rush. He explained how they were going to serve and take care of certain local groups during each of the months of the Year of Mercy and that August would be Casa Maria month.

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4 min readby Brian Flagg In case you didn’t know, Pope Francis declared a Year of Jubilee that begins today, December 8th, 2015. The theme of the Jubilee Year is Mercy! In the ancient tradition of a year of Jubilee, slaves and prisoners were to be freed, debts would be forgiven, land and possessions would be returned to their owners and the mercies of God would be seen everyone. Today’s date was chosen for the beginning of the Jubilee Year because it marks the fiftieth anniversary of the closing of the Second Vatican Council. Last March, Pope Francis released a document about

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A GOOD TIME HAD BY ALL…& a little justice for South side magnet schools too!

2 min readby Cesar Aguirre & Brian Flagg If you didn’t make it down to El Casino Ballroom last night you missed one helluva party! The kids from Davis’ Mariachi Aguilitas were really very soulful. The Ochoa kids danced up a storm! The Color Guard from Cholla High School ROTC was there to open the show. The birria, rice and beans were killer! So was Congressman Grijalva’s speech in defense of public education and the magnet schools. More than 300 people were there, mostly parents and students, but also supervisor Richard Elias, State Rep. Victoria Steele, and 3 school board members who

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4 min readby Cesar Aguirre In the Star’s article (10/8/15) 5 Tucson magnet schools could get more time, resources, Sylvia Campoy points to teacher vacancies as one of the issues at the magnet schools not being corrected by Sanchez and his board. On page 2 of the Star (10/8/15) More than 80 Tucson teacher jobs still vacant the article explains how teacher vacancies are an issue not only in TUSD but for districts across the Tucson area, the state and the nation. For years teachers have been underpaid, under appreciated, undervalued and treated with great disrespect as professionals in their field. It’s no

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