Voces de Casa Maria

No Means No!

10 min readby Gene Martinez This is a story that belongs to the women of this community. As men we have a responsibility to use our privilege to show up and support women instead of continuing to dismiss and silence them. I have spoken to several women of the community and have received their consent to present their stories.  I write this in order to provide a voice for the women who are not heard. Since early June, young women in Tucson have been speaking out about sexual violence on Twitter. While some users have been sharing their personal stories, others have

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Voting is Part of the Revolution

4 min readby Citlali Ramirez Within the past four years, and especially within the past month, the United States has experienced a massive wave of political involvement and education. People are engaging in conversations about police and prison abolition, about systems of government oppression, and a large scope of topics that often go unmentioned. This leaves a lot of revolutionary voters questioning their role in the political spectrum if the same government you are a part of is and has always been working exclusively for the elite. In terms of the presidential election, it can feel very disheartening for leftist political revolutionaries.

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The Revolution will not come out of a City Committee

4 min readby Brian Flagg Now is the time for significant change! Something is in the air! People are in the streets demanding resources be re-directed to serving our very basic needs – such as housing! Gentrification perpetuates systemic racism and over policing in cities. We, who are trying to struggle against the gentrification of our barrios, need to seize this moment! It is time that we demand and fight for something substantial and real such as a moratorium on GLPETs (tax payer giveaways that fuel gentrification) by the city of Tucson and the City of South Tucson. I and we have

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RIP Pastora Enma

< 1 min readLast night we lost a spiritual giant, a powerful leader, and a dedicated Casa Maria volunteer, Enma Orellan (La Pastora) due to COVID-19. We are deeply saddened by her passing and would like to commemorate her memory. She was the director of the Salvation Army Youth Center almost next door to Casa Maria for many years. Dedicating her life to the service of others, even in her last days she displayed selflessness and valor by delivering food to those in need. In the words of her daughter Glenda, “My mom has been promoted to the glory of God” We will

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A city’s budget can tell you exactly where the city’s moral compass lies!

4 min read  by Cesar Aguirre    Casa Maria and Catholic Workers have always been anti-war. Some  of my favorite stories to hear Brian talk about are the protests against war and nuclear weapons. Stories of him and others camping at Davis Monthan Air Force Base for more than five months. Or of Dorothy Day and other Catholic Workers throwing blood on bombs.      It is our duty, not only as Catholics but also as decent human beings, to speak out against all destruction of life. War and the militarization of our police force is exactly that, the destruction of life.   

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!!!ACTION ALERT!!! The People’s Bailout

3 min read!!!ACTION ALERT!!! You can take real action NOW! Update on the People’s Bailout The U.S. House of Representatives has passed the HEROES Act; a sweeping, three-trillion dollar proposal that addresses many of the issues called for in the People’s Bailout. However, senators are saying the bill will be “dead upon arrival” when it comes before the Senate. We CANNOT let this bill for the people be crushed. Act now! Use the links below to send a simple message to Senator McSally and Senator Sinema. All you have to say is:  “I am a constituent and I urge you to Please

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How Liberation Theology and the Empowerment of Poor Communities Threatens the U.S. by Citlali Ramirez

4 min read    Pope John Paul II chastising Father Ernesto Cardenal for practicing Liberation Theology on his visit to Nicaragua, March 1983.      The Catholic Church has a long and complex history, especially in a Global context. In the mid 20th century, Catholic groups in Latin America began preaching for and practicing what is considered Liberation Theology. Liberation Theology sought to shift the alliance of the Catholic Church away from the military, elite and, corrupted and turn its advocacy and efforts towards the poor. Brazil is one of the several countries in which this new ideology began to gain traction

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Sacrificing the Many for the Privilege of a Few

6 min readby Gene Martinez Historically, crises have consistently exposed deeper realities of power and inequity that have always been present but are either disregarded or otherwise hidden during ordinary times. The COVID -19 pandemic has done just that. It is not just a health crisis; it is a crisis rooted in our very system of capitalism. A capitalistic system, especially the one practiced in the United States, promotes the concentration of money, resources and power in the hands of a few by exploiting the work of the large working class. In the United States, the powerful few are the leaders of

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7 min readby Cesar Aguirre A few months ago, before the pandemic hit, I got together with the family to watch the super bowl. My brother-in-law was sitting next to me when he received a text. Out loud he read the message, “‘Do you support Bernie?’ Oh hell no!” I leaned over curiously, hoping to spark meaningful discourse (sports just don’t do it for me anymore, I need substance). Instead of discussion I got shut down with the most politically charged statement that one can make, “I’m not political, I don’t do politics bro.” Anyone that knows me knows I wear my

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