Voces de Casa Maria

Falling in Love

3 min readby Brian Flagg, Pedro Arrupe, SJ was the Superior General of the Jesuits from 1965 to 1983. He was famous for his insistence that proclaiming the Gospel meant promoting justice and entering into solidarity with the voiceless and the powerless. Under his leadership the Jesuits made great sacrifices for their beliefs and immense dedication to the poor and dispossessed. On 20 June 1977 the White Warriors Union death squad threatened to kill all of the 47 Jesuits serving in El Salvador unless they abandoned their work with the poor, and left the country within a month. After consulting with the

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2 min readby Cesar Aguirre It is just after 9pm, the girls are finally settled in bed and my eyes are heavy from a long day. I know I should have gone to the board meeting but after cleaning, finishing the laundry and cooking dinner, the last thing I want to do is drag my girls to a board meeting. Once there I would have to deal with their moaning and complaining about how boring it is and then carry one while dragging the other to the car afterwards, getting home way past their bedtime. I yawn deep and long as I

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Yo’ Daily Star, What’s your beef with H.T. and TUSD?

3 min readby Cesar Aguirre As I looked at today’s headlines I could not help but feel somewhat discouraged and deflated, which was the total opposite of how I felt last night. Yesterday I spent my day at the Strategic Planning Session, an all-day discussion to begin the planning of the future of TUSD. Afterwards I felt full of hope and optimism because for the first time I felt that the broader Tucson Community was finally being asked to be part of the rebuilding of the district. This morning’s headline on the front page of the Arizona Daily Star read, “Ground is

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The families that Casa Maria serves can’t afford a private Catholic education!

< 1 min readby Jimmy Ojeda, At Casa Maria we have been working with parents, teachers, students and community members in support of a quality education for all our children. We have played a significant role in keeping the schools in our barrio open. There is nothing more important than quality public education in regards to liberation of barrio families mired in poverty. Dr. Andrea Romero, Ph.D., Associate Professor Academic Program of Family Studies and Human Development Mexican American Studies & Research Center has worked extensively in our barrio in recent years. She has played an integral role in the struggle for quality

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2 min readby Cesar Aguirre Yesterday I was on AZ Illustrated talking about poverty. This is a very deep issue to discuss in an eleven minute interview. We weren’t even able to scratch the surface. The bus riders’ issues are very important to me and I was able to talk a little about how fare increases would afflict those who depend on Sun Tran for their daily transportation needs, many of whom live in poverty, but what I am really passionate about is public education. After a Bus Riders Union meeting last night I grabbed the paper and found a very interesting

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4 min readWatch conscious rap artist Cesar Aguirre, single father of two and the pride of Casa Maria, on AZ Illustrated on channel 6 Wednesday night, February 5th at 6:30. He’s going to talk about poverty along with former mayor Tom Volgy. This is his story. by Cesar Aguirre As a child growing up on Tucson’s south side I never realized how poverty would affect my future and life as an adult. I was very lucky to live in a two parent household. Many of the kids in my neighborhood were being raised by single parents or grandparents. I can remember overhearing

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2 min readby Brian Flagg, The new school board, along with their new superintendent, H.T. Sanchez, seem to be fighting for families instead of against them. It’s a real breath of fresh air. Mr. Sanchez is standing up to a so-called national desegregation expert, William Hawley, who thinks that Carrillo and Davis elementary schools, and Pueblo High School, are not integrated enough. Because Mr. Hawley was appointed by a federal judge to oversee the district’s desegregation plan, he could take magnet status away from those three barrio schools , denying them funding sorely needed for their survival. According to the Arizona Daily

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Vote Yes on 405 the Sunnyside School District Override!

3 min readby Jimmy Ojeda On Saturday, November 2, Cesar Aguirre, Gilbert Contreras, Gloria Espinoza and I walked on behalf of Prop 405. This proposition, if voters approve it, would allow the SunnysideSchool district to have more money for its schools. Basically, it is asking peoplewho live in the district to pay a little more on their taxesin order to provide money for public education. This money is really needed and would be of much help for the schools, and especially for our children’s education, and the future of Tucson. I met lots of wonderful people who arevery interested in public schools

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Message to the Three Sonoran’s: TUSD is doing something good

5 min readby Jimmy Ojeda Usually TUSD Board meetings are not that exciting, but last night I attended a great meeting with Cesar, Brian, and three parents from Ochoa Elementary: Maria, Adriana and Marisa. The Board voted unanimously to defend barrio schools. Many of the barrio schools such as Ochoa, Pueblo, Carrillo, and Davis were afraid they were going to lose funding for their magnet programs because they do not meet desegregation standards.  It was great to be among a number of parents, students and teachers from Pueblo High School, led by teacher Jessica Mejia. After listening to students, teachers, and concerned

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