Voces de Casa Maria

Message from a Bus Rider, V1

< 1 min readAs we lead up to the decision by Tucson’s City Council on whether and how to raise bus fares on September 20, TBRU will publish a Video Blog everyday. We know that if our City Council Members would come to the transit centers and talk to bus riders or get on the bus that they would think differently about how to best manage and grow our transit system. Our first Video Blog comes from Arminda. Please watch it, share this blog post and make a call to Mayor and Council urging them to not raise the fares. 791-4201 Mayor Rothschild 791-4040 Regina Romero 791-4687 Paul Cunningham

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An Open Letter to Tucson’s City Council

2 min readSeptember 1, 2016 An Open Letter to Mayor Jonathan Rothschild, Council Members Regina Romero, Paul Cunningham, Karen Uhlich, Shirley Scott, Richard Fimbres and Steve Kozachik,   Dear friends, I write this with a heavy heart. Your support of bus issues and defense of poor people over the years has been most appreciated. If you now choose to raise bus fares it will be an attack on poor folk and the planet too. In recent months, the Bus Riders Union has successfully been making the connection between climate change and the dire need for a highly functional transit system that increases

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What’s at stake in the transit debate? / ¿Qué es lo que está pasando con el debate del Transito?

6 min readBy Sarah Launius, PhD Candidate in the School of Geography and Development at the UA No doubt you know already that the Mayor and Council are looking to raise fares for bus and streetcar riders. The different proposals put forward each place a heavy burden on different types of riders. Although the city claims they do not want to have to reduce service, make transit less accessible to current and potential riders, or increase fares (all of which are debatable) the message is clear: The City Council does not want to pay for transit out of the city’s general fund.

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3 min readAugust 9, 2016 Mayor Jonathan Rothschild 255 West Alameda PO Box 27210 Tucson, Arizona 85726 Cc: Members of the City Council Dear Mayor Rothschild, As organizations with long-standing commitment to the many species and ecosystems that comprise the Sonoran Desert, we urge you to increase public transit services in the City of Tucson. Our climate is changing at an unprecedented pace due to greenhouse gas emissions, most of which are the result of burning fossil fuels. This is a critical moment for Tucson to reduce carbon dioxide from personal vehicles by improving public transit service and providing residents with incentives

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4 min readby Sarah Launius for the Bus Rider Union * Since this blog was posted Sun Tran staff presented a revised projection of Councilor Cunningham’s proposal. A revised table showing these adjustments are at the bottom of the blog. The question persists as to why staff presented an inaccurate Cunningham proposal to begin with. Why are we choosing from equally BAD plans? Why should riders agree to higher fares when there are NO plans to improve bus service? How do we improve bus service if we drive ridership down because of increased fares? These are just some of the questions Bus

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2 min readby Brian Flagg, Approximately 30 of us from the Bus Riders Union, loud and proud, attended the emergency Transit Task Force meeting yesterday. Our presence there helped the Task Force vote to stop $458,000 of the proposed $1.1 million in cuts to 9 bus routes. Particularly disappointing was a 4-3 vote to reduce frequency on the Broadway bus (the #8). I am trying to be positive about this. Our efforts did force a process that will restore a small portion of the cuts. So why do I feel so frustrated? I guess this makes me evaluate our recent bus rider

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Viva The Bus Riders Union!

3 min readBy: Brian Flagg [wpvideo aYPmOFv8] Thanks to all who attended the big Bus Rider party with nationally known transit planner Jarrett Walker last Friday, April 24. Approximately 200 attended and many joined the union and received a Bus Riders Union T-shirt and a card with their picture on it. The bus rider’s stories and questions to the planner were spirited and based in extensive bus rider knowledge. I attended the all day Saturday Transit Envisioning workshop with Jarrett and mostly a bunch of bureaucrats. As far as I could tell nothing happened that could negatively affect transit policy. It was

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City Councilwoman Karin Uhlich to introduce Jarrett Walker to the Bus Riders

2 min readBUS RIDER PARTY!        FRIDAY APRIL, 24 AT 5:00 PM                               Armory Park Bandshell (S. 6th Ave, between 12th & 13th St.) BURRITOS de carne y BURRITOS de frijoles A nationally known transit planner, Jarrett Walker, has been invited to Tucson by high-ranking bureaucrats and politicians to enlighten us about transit. Bus Riders have been mostly left out of the process. But Mr. Walker has agreed to attend this party! Please come and share with him the importance of the LOW-INCOME FARE and other concerns. Become a member of the Bus Riders Union and get the membership card (with your picture)

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