Voces de Casa Maria

Why do people migrate?// ¿Porqué emigramos?

5 min readBy Poncho Moro Poncho is a regular here at Casa Maria. Most immigrants flee their country in search of a better future for their families. They search for a social justice that can rarely be found. A social justice that has been neglected in their country of birth. In some cases, these people cross three or four countries to reach their destination in the U.S. and to obtain the so called “American Dream.”  For some, the American Dream is often broken and is nothing but a false illusion. Some lose their lives in their search, some are beaten, raped, imprisoned

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Thank you to all / Gracias a todos!

2 min readThank you to the over 140 people who joined the Casa Maria Voter Project at the final TUSD School Board Candidate Forum on Thursday, October 13 at the Capilla de Guadalupe. Gracias a las más de 140 personas que acompañaron a Casa María en el Foro de los Candidatos para la Mesa Directiva de las Escuelas de TUSD el Jueves, 13 de Octubre en la Capilla Guadalupe. In addition to hearing from the seven candidates, community members took time to discuss critical issues related to funding priorities, disciplinary practices, and experiences from previous school closures and consolidations. These conversation led

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Message from a Bus Rider, V9

< 1 min readOur ninth video message comes from Adan. Tucson’s Mayor and Council will decide Tuesday, September 20 at 5:30 pm on whether to raise the bus fares. Come to the meeting at 255 West Alameda St. and speak at the call to the audience or submit a comment card. You can also call the City Council today. 791-4201 Mayor Rothschild 791-4040 Regina Romero 791-4687 Paul Cunningham 791-4711 Karin Uhlich 791-3199 Shirley Scott 791-4231 Richard Fimbres 791-4601 Steve Kozachik El noveno video es de Adan. Por favor mírelo, comparta el video y llame al Alcalde y al Consejo y pídales que no

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Message From a Bus Rider, V8

< 1 min readOur eighth video comes from Josefina and Maria Leon who cannot afford private vehicles and depend on the bus. As we lead up to the decision by Tucson’s City Council on whether and how to raise bus fares on September 20, TBRU will publish a Video Blog everyday. We know that if our City Council Members would come to the transit centers and talk to bus riders or get on the bus that they would think differently about how to best manage and grow our transit system. Please watch it, share this blog post and make a call to Mayor and Council urging them to not raise the

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Message From a Bus Rider, V7

< 1 min readOur seventh video comes from Newell, a retired Vet who depends on the bus. As we lead up to the decision by Tucson’s City Council on whether and how to raise bus fares on September 20, TBRU will publish a Video Blog everyday. We know that if our City Council Members would come to the transit centers and talk to bus riders or get on the bus that they would think differently about how to best manage and grow our transit system. Please watch it, share this blog post and make a call to Mayor and Council urging them to not raise the fares. 791-4201 Mayor

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Message From a Bus Rider, V6

< 1 min readOur sixth video comes from Gary. As we lead up to the decision by Tucson’s City Council on whether and how to raise bus fares on September 20, TBRU will publish a Video Blog everyday. We know that if our City Council Members would come to the transit centers and talk to bus riders or get on the bus that they would think differently about how to best manage and grow our transit system. Please watch it, share this blog post and make a call to Mayor and Council urging them to not raise the fares. 791-4201 Mayor Rothschild 791-4040 Regina Romero 791-4687 Paul Cunningham 791-4711

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Rise Up With Bus Riders

< 1 min readTucson Bus Riders Union members have been picketing Ward Offices this week to remind our City Council to not raise bus fares on Tuesday, September 20. Join us and Rev. Glen Davis and parishioners from South Highland Church at Council Member Fimbres’ office on Monday, September 19 from 4:30-5:30pm at 4300 S Park Ave. If you can’t make it you can help by making calls to the City Council. Tell them not to raise the bus fares. 791-4201 Mayor Rothschild 791-4040 Regina Romero 791-4687 Paul Cunningham 791-4711  Karin Uhlich 791-3199  Shirley Scott 791-4231  Richard Fimbres 791-4601 Steve Kozachik

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Message from a Bus Rider, V5

2 min readOur fifth video comes from Lisa. *Editor’s Note: Lisa’s message is especially important because it shows that Sun Tran has not effectively put the SunGo cards into peoples hands which they were supposed to do for free to help with the elimination of paper transfers. Lisa also mentions how she has to get to Ronstadt, using fare and time, to be able to put money on her card – this is correct and is a real problem. So the City, because they haven’t bothered to communicate effectively or put the cards and access to use them in the hands of bus riders,

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Message From a Bus Rider, V4

< 1 min readOur fourth video comes from A.J. As we lead up to the decision by Tucson’s City Council on whether and how to raise bus fares on September 20, TBRU will publish a Video Blog everyday. We know that if our City Council Members would come to the transit centers and talk to bus riders or get on the bus that they would think differently about how to best manage and grow our transit system. Please watch it, share this blog post and make a call to Mayor and Council urging them to not raise the fares. 791-4201 Mayor Rothschild 791-4040 Regina Romero 791-4687 Paul Cunningham 791-4711

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Message from a Bus Rider, V3

< 1 min readOur third message comes from Martha. As we lead up to the decision by Tucson’s City Council on whether and how to raise bus fares on September 20, TBRU will publish a Video Blog everyday. We know that if our City Council Members would come to the transit centers and talk to bus riders or get on the bus that they would think differently about how to best manage and grow our transit system. Please watch it, share this blog post and make a call to Mayor and Council urging them to not raise the fares. 791-4201 Mayor Rothschild 791-4040 Regina Romero 791-4687 Paul Cunningham 791-4711

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